Opened 16 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#109 closed task (fixed)
Test the signal transmission device -> RaceEngine
Reported by: | Florian Roth | Owned by: | Florian Roth |
Priority: | critical | Milestone: | MS1: First release (1.0.0) |
Component: | controller | Version: | pre-1.0 |
Keywords: | controller, racelogic, test | Cc: |
Description ¶
Test the signal transmission / forwarding from devices to the RaceEngine? in dependence to the raceTimerInterval.
Every Signal should arrive in realtime.
Tests needed for:
I have the suspicion that there is an inconsistency / in signal transmission caused by DeviceControllers?, RaceEngine? and maybe in dependence with raceTimerInterVal.
Change History (8)
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by
Status: | new → accepted |
comment:2 follow-up: 3 Changed 16 years ago by
comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by
comment:4 follow-up: 8 Changed 16 years ago by
Tested the GameControllerDevice? signal transmission:
The problem is that button pushes affect that these signals (toggle switch, fron/back light) arrive the connector multiple times. see #115
comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by
Tested the WiimoteDevice? signal transmission:
Everything seems to be allright.
comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by
New commit by froth (revision [334]):
[Related to ticket #109] fixed a problem with MouseKeyboardDeviceAdapter?
The RaceEngine? sets back the signals who should not get lost like toggle switch and lights. The MouseKeyboardAdapter? polls MouseDevice? and KeyboardDevice? and returns a new ControllerSignal? mixed from both so the signal on Mouse and KeyboardDevice? could not set back. This is fixed now.
comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by
Tested the MouseKeyboardDeviceAdapter?:
Everything seems to work fine.
comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | accepted → closed |
Replying to froth:
Tested the GameControllerDevice? signal transmission:
The problem is that button pushes affect that these signals (toggle switch, fron/back light) arrive the connector multiple times. see #115
Push as fast as you can :D
Tested the Keyboard signal transmission:
Everything works fine, almoust all the time. But I am a little bit confused of that if you push the up button with keyboardStepWidth=5 (gas signal) there are always two steps to 10 (gas). I will make a ticket for this.