Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#59 assigned defect

Wiiremote redetection problem

Reported by: Florian Roth Owned by: nobody
Priority: trivial Milestone: MS4: Future extensions
Component: controller Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Currently you cannot scan for new Wiiremotes connected to the Bluetooth
Stack during Jacavi is running. Its also not possible to Rescan Wiimotes if one or more Wiiremotes are out of reach or turned of.

Change History (15)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Florian Roth

Status: newaccepted

AT this time I have the following Problems because of bugs in the WiiUseJ API also reported in WiiUseJ Group

  • The disconnectionEvent in WiiUseJ Library is not triggered: WiiUseJ Bug
  • I cannot force to shut off the console output of the WiiUseJ Library
  • The Reconnection of Wiiremotes doesnt work if there are more than one Wiiremotes :-)

I tested on Windows XP SP3 OS.

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by Henrik Heimbuerger

Component: unspecifiedcontroller
Priority: majortrivial

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by Florian Roth

Technical expertises

  • I figgured out that the reconnection problem is a bug in the WiiuseJ API see

reconnection problem in wiiusej users

  • With the onDisconnectionEvent of the WiiUseJ API we could remove an not available or disconnected Wiimote from the InputDeviceManager?. Fact is there is a bug in wiiuse (C) so wiiuseJ has the same problem. We have to wait for the new version. see onDisconnectionEvent() WiiuseJ users group
  • Dissable all log messages from WiiUseJ API. Iam on this it has to do with the underlaying native wiiuse API (written in C). Iam on this right now

comment:4 in reply to:  3 ; Changed 17 years ago by Florian Roth

Replying to froth:

Technical expertises

  • I figgured out that the reconnection problem is a bug in the WiiuseJ API see

reconnection problem in wiiusej users

  • With the onDisconnectionEvent of the WiiUseJ API we could remove an not available or disconnected Wiimote from the InputDeviceManager?. Fact is there is a bug in wiiuse (C) so wiiuseJ has the same problem. We have to wait for the new version. see onDisconnectionEvent() WiiuseJ users group
  • Dissable all log messages from WiiUseJ API. Iam on this it has to do with the underlaying native wiiuse API (written in C). Iam on this right now

wiiuser disable console output

comment:5 in reply to:  4 Changed 17 years ago by Florian Roth

Replying to froth:

Replying to froth:

Technical expertises

  • I figgured out that the reconnection problem is a bug in the WiiuseJ API see

reconnection problem in wiiusej users

The same problem exists under Ubuntu

This is not a problem in Ubuntu

  • Dissable all log messages from WiiUseJ API. Iam on this it has to do with the underlaying native wiiuse API (written in C). Iam on this right now

wiiuser disable console output

Same Ubuntu

comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by Henrik Heimbuerger

FYI, even restarting JaCaVi doesn't get rid of the Wiimote here.

I can:

  1. Start JaCaVi without a connected Bluetooth adapter.
  2. Click 'redetect' --> no Wiimote appears.
  3. Plug the Bluetooth adapter in.
  4. Click 'redetect' --> Wiimote 1 appears.

Note that my Wiimote is deactivated during the whole process.

comment:7 in reply to:  6 Changed 17 years ago by Henrik Heimbuerger

Replying to hheimbuerger:

FYI, even restarting JaCaVi doesn't get rid of the Wiimote here.

I can:

  1. Start JaCaVi without a connected Bluetooth adapter.
  2. Click 'redetect' --> no Wiimote appears.
  3. Plug the Bluetooth adapter in.
  4. Click 'redetect' --> Wiimote 1 appears.

Note that my Wiimote is deactivated during the whole process.

Nevermind, you already knew that. It's the same effect we had when you started a detection during the last meeting and it displayed the Wiimote you left at home.

comment:8 Changed 17 years ago by Henrik Heimbuerger

When working on this, please remember that the input device configuration dialog can still have bugs. I'm not sure it properly throws missing devices away, etc.

If you at some point think it should work, but the input device configuration dialog shows unexpected behaviour, make sure the bug is not in the dialog.

comment:9 Changed 17 years ago by SVN

New commit by froth (revision [232]):
[Related to ticket #59] added logger to detect wiiremote disconnection

comment:10 Changed 16 years ago by Florian Roth

The developer of WiiuseJ said that there will be a new build with redetection fix soon

comment:11 Changed 16 years ago by SVN

New commit by froth (revision [338]):
[Fix for ticket #59] fixed the redetection problem with multiple wiimotes

Guilhelm Duch released a new version of wiiusej v.12b this version should fix the redetection bug. I couldn't test it jet.

comment:12 Changed 16 years ago by Florian Roth

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

Tested with two Wiiremotes. Works fine.

comment:13 Changed 16 years ago by Florian Roth

Milestone: MS1: First release (1.0.0)MS4: Future extensions
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Works for Windows not for Linux. Its a WiiuseJ Problem.

comment:14 Changed 16 years ago by SVN

New commit by froth (revision [522]):
[Related to ticket #59] there still exists a Wiiremote redetection problemunder linux

comment:15 Changed 16 years ago by Florian Roth

Owner: changed from Florian Roth to nobody
Status: reopenedassigned
Version: pre-1.0

Under Linux there is still a redetection problem for Wiiremotes. In my opinion this has to do with a bugy WiiUseJ and inderect with the several Bluetooth Stacks Win / Linux.

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